Monday, August 27, 2012

The Amazing Transformation

                As the tale of "The Most Handsome Drowned Man in the World" comes to a end, the final section describes the view that passing ships have of the beautiful village on the shore, now known as Esteban's Village. However, this village was not near as beautiful in the earlier sections of the story. It was not such an appealing village. The small town went through an amazing transformation over the course of the story, and I believe that the town underwent this change because of one thing: a recent guest in their village. This guest was the most handsome drowned man in the world, who the villagers affectionately named Esteban.
                When the mysterious floating figure was seen drifting through the ocean waves, things began to change for the small seaside community. As the figure finally washed to the shore, the people identified it as a dead and abnormally large man. Aside from his size, there was something very different about this man. To both the men and the women, he was thought of as the most perfect man they had ever laid eyes on. They took him in, and after the women came and worked together to clean him and make clothes for him, the men prepared a grand funeral for Esteban. During the funeral, as soon as they lowered him into the ground, there was immediate mutual sadness among everyone there. They missed Esteban, as they piled the dirt into the grave. They would never find a more perfect man to reside in their village. However, although Esteban's body was gone, his spirit lived on.
                Esteban and his spirit had united the villagers. The women had come together to clean and clothe him, the men had worked together to bury him respectfully, and the whole town united to weep for him as he was lowered into the earth. And even after Esteban's burial, they did things out of respect for the spirit of their deceased friend that brought extreme improvements to the town. They expanded their doorways and reenforced their floors so that the spirit could comfortably come into their homes. They planted flowers throughout the village, and dug for natural springs among the rocks. They painted their houses in lively colors, and, finally, renamed the village Esteban's Village. The village had transformed. The small depressing town on the shore had become a completely new village.
                The village had been blessed by the short presence of Esteban; he not only transformed their village, but he united the villagers like never before.


  1. Great job! I think you especially did a good job of sticking to your point by describing just how the townspeople felt about Esteban and how much he meant to them.

  2. I love your diction throughout your post! Mentioning how the village went through a drastic trasformation throughout the story because of Esteban. Also how you described how much esteban meant to the villiage.

  3. Diction is great, reading this just makes me feel smarter great job!
